Friday, December 20, 2013

The Lone Pine Tree

"The place called Lone Tree is a beautiful valley in the region of Powder river, in the centre of which is a solitary tree quite large, by the side of which travelers usually stop and refresh themselves."
---Narcissa Whitman (August 26th, 1836)

"This noble tree stood in the center of a most lovely valley about ten miles from any other timber. It could be seen at the distance of many miles, rearing its majestic form above the surrounding plain, and constituted a beautiful landmark for the guidance of the traveler. Many teams had passed on before me, and at intervals, as I drove along, I looked up as usual, the tree was gone........That brave old pine, which had withstood the storms and snows of centuries, had fallen at last by the vandel hands of man"
---Peter H. Burnett (September 27th 1843)


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